Grammarly Firefox

Grammarly for WindowsHarness the power of Grammarly on your desktop Download Grammarly for Windows. Conveniently accessible through a Windows application. Simply drag a file you would like to proofread into Grammarly. Automatic updates ensure you always have the latest version. Grammarly Premium. Launch Mozilla Firefox browser. Visit the official website on the Firefox browser. Click on the Add to Firefox It’s free button. In the browser alert box, click on the Continue to Installation button. The Grammarly plugin for Firefox plugin would download.

Grammarly for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari helps make you a better writer by assisting in finding and correcting mistakes within a body of text, effectively fixing up to 10x more errors than your standard word processor.
Grammarly for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari helps make you a better writer by assisting in finding and correcting mistakes within a body of text, effectively fixing up to 10x more errors than your standard word processor.
It will quickly find and correct over 250 grammatical mistakes while also catching contextual spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage.
Grammarly spell checker & grammar checker helps you write clearly and confidently on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and nearly anywhere else on the Web.
With Grammarly, you can always be sure that your words are mistake-free and say what you mean.
Contextual spell checker
Correctly spelled words used in the wrong context mean embarrassing mistakes for you. Grammarly for Chrome spots erroneous use of lose/loose, affect/effect, lie/lay, there/their/they’re, and many other commonly confused words.
Grammar checker
It also scans your text to properly use more than 250 advanced grammar rules, spanning everything from subject-verb agreement to article use to modifier placement.
Vocabulary enhancement
Words can make an impact, or they can fall flat. Enhance your sentences with Grammarly for Chrome’s word choice suggestions that optimize for the context of your document.
How to Switch Between Windows, Hunspell, or no Spellchecker in Chromium Microsoft Edge
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DownloadGrammarly Firefox

This extension on Firefox behaves erratically. Meaning, I typically have to go into Markdown Mode for Grammarly suggestions and corrections to 'stick' to my postings. The Grammarly extension used with Google Chrome works without issue. I wish this extension installed with Firefox worked the same.

Enhance your spelling, grammar, and writing style with the help of this reliable browser extension that can also spot any instance of plagiarism

We all know how important it is to have a flawless presence online, regardless of whether the context is casual or formal, since the way we document ourselves might have an impact even on our professional development.

Needless to say, the words you use online let others read a lot about you between the lines, and in case you want to make sure this is always in your favor, you can resort to a software solution such as Grammarly for Firefox.

Easy-to-use Firefox extension

Before anything else, it must be said that this lightweight app comes as a browser extension for Mozilla Firefox. Once you add it to your list of add-ons, its icon pops out in the toolbar, with the possibility of enabling or disabling it for each website you visit.

What’s more, in its main menu, you can check or uncheck a feature that offers to show definitions and synonyms via double click.

Can spot and correct a wide range of writing inconsistencies

Regarding the nature of the issues it can detect and correct, you can rest assured that your grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and style will be impeccable. Plus, the extension can come up with reliable advice helping you enhance your vocabulary.

It's worth knowing that the add-on is able to prove its powers anywhere online, whether we are talking about social media, email, comments sections, and so on and so forth.

Highlights your mistakes but lets you make your call

You simply need to type in your text, and Grammarly will detect any issues, highlighting them in red. Hovering these problematic words with the mouse cursor provides you with several suggestions you can consider.

In case any of them is accurate, clicking it will replace your text; otherwise, if you are certain your construction is fine, you can add it to your dictionary, thus preventing the add-on from classifying it as a mistake in the future.

Can detect any instances of plagiarism

If you want to have a more in-depth analysis of your writing quality, clicking the “Correct with Grammarly” option will show your text in a new window doubling the existing one and providing you with some statistics.

You will know the total number of words you used as well as how many critical issues were disregarded, along with some details as to the presence of advanced problems. What’s more, a plagiarism detector is included if you want to check your text’s originality level.

Capable Firefox add-on that will make your texts online flawless

On an ending note, Grammarly for Firefox is a handy and powerful educational tool that can improve your writing without being intrusive in any way. The way it approaches your text is exhaustive, and no critical aspect will be neglected, which means your style will be not only rigorous but also clean.

Filed under

Grammarly for Firefox was reviewed by Anca Roman
New in Grammarly for Firefox 8.727.647:
  • Works with Firefox for Android 48.0 - *, Firefox 48.0 and later
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Grammarly for Firefox 8.872.0

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